Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Desperate Zionists Unable to Adapt to the Narrative Revolution

With the blind support that Israel and Zionists have benefited from for the past several decades, primarily using their monopoly over the information, the younger generation of Americans has finally discovered the truth and the facts about Israel's barbaric colonial creation as an outpost for the Anglo-Saxon colonizers and global abusers. This generation has the Internet and social media to fact-check all the lies that European and American Zionists have been disseminating to justify their extermination of the indigenous Palestinian people and attempted obliteration of the Palestinian national identity.

 Jonathan Greenblatt

The German Zio-Nazi führer of ADL who is running out of lies and has no better argument in favor of Apartheid Israel than to use Nazi language and symbols to demonize Israel's victim: the entire Palestinian nation.

In their despair, Zionists are going to riddiculous extremes, like the Nazi-looking and Nazi-sounding Jonathan Greenblatt, the head of the so-called Anti-Defamation League (ADL) which is no more than an extension of the ultra-racist Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu. Greenblatt said that pro-Palestinian Freedom protesters, including the hundreds of Jewish students who have joined the protesters and saying "NOT IN OUR NAME", are Hamas proxies, antisemitic (so boring, it doesn't cling anymore) and a threat to Jewish students. Jewish students are a threat to Jewish students???? If so, then Mr. Greenblatt's problem is not with the Palestinians or the student protesters; his problem is that Israel is quickly sliding into a civil war between modern, secular, well-adjusted western European immigrant Jews on one hand, and the barbarian ultra-orthodox immigrant Jews from Eastern Europe, Russia, Iran and north Africa on the other hand who appear to be turning the British-American colony in Palestine into a Jewish theocracy in a copy-paste of the Islamic theocracy in Iran. From Europe, the Jews have brought to Palestine the methods and practices of the Nazi German Reich from which they fled (brutality, militarism, racism, etc.), while those from Africa, Iran and the Arab world have brought with them practices inspired from radical Islamic monotheistism.

In other words, Greenblatt is demonizing the protests and insinuating that the protesters are terrorists and therefore should be lethally dealt with. He even compared the millennial Arab headdress, the Keffieyh, to the German Swastika. He should look more closely at his Star of David which bears uncanny resemblance with the German Swastika.

But his own ADL is a proxy of the ultra-religious barbaric Israeli government, which means Greenblatt is as guilty as the IDF terrorist organization in the ethnic cleansing and genocide unfolding in Palestine. Is this proper discourse for a responsible person? No, but Greenblatt is fuming at having lost the free-run he and his Zionist barbarians have had over the largely ignorant American population. The younger generation has finally understood what went on in Palestine at the turn of the 20th century: A mega-ethnic cleansing of native indigenous Palestinians to be replaced by hordes of Eastern European Jews (Tussia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldavia, etc.) willing to play the pawns in the British-American colonization scheme.


CAIR Calls On MSNBC to Ban ADL Boss Over ‘Iranian Proxies’ Remark

·3 min read

 The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is calling for MSNBC to ban Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt from its airwaves over recent comments he made about college students protesting against the war in Gaza.

During an appearance last Friday on Morning Joe, Greenblatt railed against the pro-Palestinian protests raging at Columbia University and other college campuses, describing them as antisemitic and threatening to Jewish students. He also took a shot at the two main organizations behind the demonstrations—the Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace.

“Iran has their military proxies like Hezbollah, and Iran has their campus proxies like these groups like SJP and JVP,” he declared.

In a statement on Thursday, CAIR Deputy Executive Director Edward Ahmed Mitchell claimed that Greenblatt was defaming the groups and urged the network to stop booking Greenblatt.

“Falsely claiming that Jewish and Palestinian student organizations are literal proxies of the Iranian government is a dangerous and defamatory slander that has no place on MSNBC or any other television network,” Mitchell stated.

“No civil rights leader would ever equate Jewish and Palestinian college students with Hezbollah, analogize the Nazi swastika to the Palestinian keffiyeh or question whether Hamas sympathizers were writing MSNBC scripts,” he added. “Mr. Greenblatt’s increasingly unhinged and outrageous comments must be condemned, and MSNBC should no longer give him a platform to peddle his hate speech.”

Responding to CAIR’s comments about Greenblatt, an ADL spokesperson told The Daily Beast: “Let’s be clear about SJP and JVP. In the days following the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, SJP explicitly endorsed the actions of Hamas and their armed attacks on Israeli civilians and JVP’s leadership stated multiple times that Israel was the “root cause” of the violence. This is not criticism of the war or Israel, this is glorifying terrorists and blaming the victim.”

CAIR claims that this is at least the third time that Greenblatt has made inflammatory remarks on MSNBC’s airwaves without being challenged by the network’s hosts.

Shortly after the October 7 attacks that sparked the war, Greenblatt appeared on Morning Joe and blasted the channel’s reporting on the conflict and wondered if the network’s scripts were written by Hamas sympathizers. (MSNBC featured three Muslim anchors during that weekend’s coverage of the attacks on Israel.)

In a separate interview later that day, Greenblatt explained to another network that he had been “literally watching the words scroll down on the camera” during his Morning Joe appearance and thought, “Who are the people in the back who think it is reasonable to describe this as quote, unquote, resistance, or to make these claims as if there is some moral equivalency?” He also insisted that he was “looking for journalism not activism.”

Earlier this month, dozens of Muslim and Arab civil rights groups—including CAIR—condemned the ADL after Greenblatt seemingly compared the Palestinian keffiyeh to a swastika, urging the organization to fire him.

“This pattern of behavior must end,” the joint statement read. “The ADL should terminate Mr. Greenblatt, apologize for its history of bad-faith attacks on various communities, and stop attempting to defame, silence and endanger those who express support for Palestinian human rights. Until then, it is no ally in the fight against hate.”

Greenblatt reacted to this condemnation by claiming his comments were “unsurprisingly being taken entirely out of context by CAIR, an organization that seems to specialize in fiction rather than fact.” Saying hate speech shouldn’t be “tolerated whether the person is wearing a Nazi armband or a keffiyeh,” Greenblatt added that he was “not comparing the garb” but rather “comparing the hate speech and how it shouldn’t be tolerated from anyone.”

MSNBC did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Fear and Loathing in America: The Zionist Reaction

The Share Price of the “Antisemitism” Commodity Rises Sharply in the Zionist Propaganda Market.

American Zionists and their poodles to retaliate against those expressing their opinion and conscience.

Zionists and their allies propagate the lie of a rise in antisemitism on US campuses in order to terrorize people into silence and suppress pro-Palestine sentiment. There is no more antisemitism today than existed previously. But the commodity of antisemitism is very useful because the entire planet has been “re-educated” by decades of brainwashing and psychological blackmail to fear to express any thought that might disagree with the “official” narrative of Big Zionist Brother.

See below how Jewish students at Columbia University and other campuses across the nation who are defending the rights of the Palestinian people are terrorized by Zionist thugs into revealing their identities out of fear of retaliation. Zionism is adapting to the heightened awareness of the original sin of fabricating the state of Israel by resorting to its Germanic DNA and adopting Nazi methods to repress and suppress their enemies. Unfortunately for them, the old and rusted Palestinian can of worms has now opened wide.

The decision by Columbia University’s president to call in the New York Police Department to clear pro-Palestinian protesters from the campus last week has sparked outrage and strident student protests at universities in New York City and across the country in recent days. The convergence between using violent policing to silence protesters and the subject of the protests itself has crystallized the decades-old submission of American public discourse to one narrative only: That of Israel and its Zionist thugs who draw their inspiration and methods from Goebbels himself.

Last Thursday police arrested 108 Columbia University students. This was 1968-vintage Kent State University about to happen all over again, when the national guard killed several students on their own campus because they were protesting the Vietnam War. Similar protests spontaneously erupted on campuses across the country, including New York University, Yale University, the University of Illinois, the University of Michigan, University of Texas at Austin, the University of California at Berkeley, and the University of Southern California, among several others.

Students and young people are a beacon and a lens to the future. They hold the ideas that will become mainstream in a couple of decades. The Vietnam War was lost by the US not because of the military pressure from North Vietnam, but by the hundreds of thousands of young Americans who protested for years until the US government decided to end the war in disgrace. Similarly, the trajectory ahead is drawn for the students protesting Israel’s colonial barbarity and the US establishment’s collusion with it: Palestine will finally be free, just like Vietnam. America is currently taking stock of the severe regional and international losses it already is sustaining because of its blind endorsement of the savagery of the Zionist regime in Palestine. On balance, the magnitude of the losses sustained by the US as a result of its collusion with Israel's babarity in Palestine far outweigh any utility the Jewish colony in Palestine may provide. The sad thing is that the US has aligned itself behind a 19th-century mindset, not unlike that of Vladimir Putin and his expansionist nostalgia for a long-lost empire, namely the Zionist colonial hallucination of establishing a purely Jewish supremacist state over the ashes of historic Palestine. If the US and Israel believe they can emulate Putin by invading Gaza and annexing it by utter violence, they are traveling down the wrong road.

In fact, Gaza is a sideshow to the big dangling fruit Israel has set its eyes on, which is the West Bank. The current Gaza war is a dry run for Israel’s prospective invasion and ethnic cleansing of the West Bank. After expelling the Gaza Palestinians into the Sinai, Israel intends to expel the Palestinians of the Galilee - those who stayed in 1948 - into Lebanon, and those of the West Bank will be "escorted" into Jordan. It’s no secret: From the River to the Sea is a Zionist slogan for their Greater Israel biblical trash. Indeed, Israel has deliberately refused to write itself a constitution because that would require it to define its borders in relation to those of its neighbors.

Back to Columbia University. Rachel is a 19-years-old Jewish Columbia student who asked to be identified only by her first name because of fear of retaliation. RETALIATION? IN AMERICA, LAND OF THE FREE? OR IS BIDEN'S AMERICA BECOMING A CLONE OF PUTIN’s RUSSIA? Why retaliation? Because she joined the Free Palestine movement; Retaliation by whom? By the “powers-that-be”, namely the Zionist thugs holding guns to the university president’s head.

It is interesting that the last time a Columbia University president summoned the police to disperse student demonstrators was back in 1968, at the height of the Vietnam War. But even learned university presidents forget their history lessons. “Movements inherently boil when they’re facing extra suppression,” Rachel said. The Columbia students protesting the war have demanded that the school cut financial ties with Israel and divest from Israeli companies, pretty much what university students demanded – and won – to end apartheid in South Africa some 30 years ago., And they have inspired students across the country to do the same. “This is about solidarity," said Alex, another Jewish student at the University of Michigan who is part of the pro-Palestinian movement and also asked to be identified only by his first name out of fear of retaliation. AGAIN? RETALIATION? BY WHOM? "We have colleges all across the nation performing a synchronized act because we work together. This is a collective movement far beyond the United States."

Organizers say they were also inspired by protests against the apartheid government of South Africa that an earlier generation of Michigan students took part in. “It’s never been bigger than it is right now,” said a masked male organizer, who asked to remain anonymous out of fear of retaliation. AGAIN? RETALIATION? BY WHOM? “We’ve seen that this has been effective in achieving concessions from the administration towards divestment from Israel, apartheid and genocide.”

Just like during the Vietnam War, the protests have sparked a backlash from right-wing Trumpian politicians who want university administrators to use violence and crack down hard on the protesters.

Marianne Hirsch, a Jewish Columbia University English professor, said the university president, Nemat Talaat Shafik, an Egyptian-born Muslim who was made Baroness by the  neanderthal English monarch Elizabeth II, has been "squashing peaceful protest, squashing open debate, not allowing students to express their opinions and debate their opinions." And the fact that Shafik summoned the police last Thursday, a day after she was questioned at the congressional hearing, is no coincidence, she said.

"I’m extremely distressed right now to see antisemitism being weaponized and used, misused ... under the guise of safety and security," said Hirsch, whose parents were Holocaust survivors. Decent Jews outnumber the flithy Zionists, but they too have been reduced to silence. Just like the so-called "moderate" Muslims who have been silenced by the virulent Islamic terrorists.

Sueda is a graduate student who helped organize the pro-Palestinian protests at Columbia and asked to be identified only by her first name to avoid reprisals. AGAIN? RETALIATI? BY WHOM? She said students escalated pressure on the university and started the tent encampments after previous forms of protest did not lead to the intended results.

"Have those protests yielded any material results from the university? Have they yielded an acknowledgment of the pain felt by Palestinians and by the community that is in solidarity with them? Have they yielded any statements of sorrow or regret by the university for their overly punitive treatment of pro-Palestinian students? No," she said.

Oren Root, a longtime New York City lawyer and Columbia University graduate who was at the school when anti-Vietnam War protests rocked it in 1968, said Shafik's summoning of police was "an extraordinary miscalculation."

"President Shafik and her advisers clearly didn't learn from history," said Root, who was a top editor at The Spectator, the Columbia student newspaper, in 1968 and 1969. “Calling in the cops was clearly a mistake. Things have not gotten any calmer.” The decision in 1968 by university President Grayson Kirk to have the police forcibly remove protesters from the buildings they were occupying only inflamed the situation and tarnished Columbia's reputation for many years, Root said, adding that Columbia appears to have chosen a side in the Gaza battle.

Pro-Palestinian encampments have also been established at other schools that have been the sites of anti-Israel demonstrations, like the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Texas and California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt.

Given all the preceding, WHO IS REALLY EXPERIENCING FEAR ON CAMPUSES THESE DAYS? The hypothetical victim-status blackmailers? Or those speaking up for justice and for the truth?


Columbia Univ Jewish Students and Professors: We are not Antisemites

Jewish students and professors speak out against claims Columbia protests are antisemitic

In the week since a protest camp exploded across the grounds of Columbia University in solidarity with Gaza, PhD student Jonathan Ben-Menachem has been fielding worried calls from his family. They had been watching the news and were concerned for his safety.

"I’ve had to reassure them that I am not about to get mobbed by antisemites anytime I go to campus,” he told The Independent. “It’s just people trying to take a stand for what they think is right, very peacefully.”

Mr. Ben-Menachem is one of many Jewish students who joined the protests at Columbia and other universities across the US calling for their institutions to cut ties with companies linked to Israel over the war in Gaza.

He said he has watched with amazement as the media and political figures have attempted to characterise the protests as antisemitic and dangerous, despite Jewish student organisations playing a central role in them.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the pro-Palestinian protesters at Columbia and other US universities “antisemitic mobs” that are taking over “leading universities,” on Wednesday. House Speaker Mike Johnson visited Columbia University on Wednesday and called those protesting “lawless agitators” and “antisemitic.”

Mr. Ben-Menachem said his experience on campus had been completely different.

“There has been this discourse that Columbia is this hotbed of antisemitism, but it’s just a bunch of nerds sitting on the ground playing games, chanting and doing homework. There was a Passover Seder held on Monday,” Mr. Ben-Menachem said. “It’s crazy how bad faith that discourse has become.”

Student protests over the war in Gaza have been common across college campuses since the war in Gaza broke out in October, following a surprise Hamas attack that killed 1,200 in Israel. The resulting war has killed over 34,000 Palestinians, most of them women and children, and aid blockages have resulted in famine conditions in northern Gaza, creating a humanitarian disaster. Hundreds of schools, and all of Gaza’s 12 universities, have been damaged or destroyed since the Israeli attacks began.

After Columbia University ordered the New York Police Department to break up a protest camp on its campus last week, leading to the arrests of more than 100 students, the protests have spread across the country and grown into a movement that some have compared to the student-led protests against the Vietnam War of the 1960s. Similar protests have since erupted at Yale and New York University (where arrests were also made), Ohio State University, Stanford University and Berkeley, to name a few.

The protests at Columbia in particular drew national attention due to videos of several antisemitic incidents near the campus, including one in which someone shouted “Go back to Poland” at a group of Jewish students. In a separate incident, the Columbia chapter of the Orthodox Jewish movement Chabad said Jewish students had been told to “Go back to Europe.”

While Mr. Ben-Menachem said there had been credible reports of antisemitism in and around the campus, they were not representative of the hundreds of protesters who had camped out to protest against Israel’s war. What concerned him more than outside agitators was the university’s attempts to crack down on the protests — including the rumours that it may soon enlist the National Guard to intervene.

“We’re terrified that there’s going to be a second Kent State at Columbia,” he said, referring to the killing of four unarmed college students at Kent State University in Ohio in 1970 during protests over the Vietnam War.

“It’s absurd to say that they're gonna bring in the National Guard and the NYPD to protect Jews when it’s actually Jews who are being arrested,” he added.

Sarah, a Jewish student at Columbia who asked for only her first name to be published, was among those arrested for taking part in the encampment. She was held by the NYPD for eight hours, with her hands in zip ties, after they moved in on the camp on Thursday. She was suspended the next day, but snuck back onto campus a few days later to take part in a Passover Seder celebration with fellow protesters.

“It was definitely one of the more joyful experiences I’ve had at Columbia,” she told The Independent. “So many of us got arrested or suspended, it was really nice to see so many Jewish faces at the Seder.”

Sarah said she too had been appalled by attempts to smear the Columbia protests as antisemitic, saying that the term had been “weaponized in a really deceitful way by political opportunists who insist on conflating anti-Zionism and antisemitism.”

“There’s never any substantive response to people like me who are anti-Zionist Jews,” Sarah noted. “There’s a long tradition of Jewish anti-Zionism. I have so much love for the Jewish people of my community, we just have a political dispute, and that’s it.”

The crackdown on protests has also drawn criticism from staff. Nara Milanich, professor of history at Barnard College, which is partnered with Columbia University, was among nearly two dozen Jewish faculty members to write to Columbia president Nemat Shafik before the protests broke out, ahead of her appearance at a Congressional committee on antisemitism on campus, warning against the “weaponization of antisemitism” at Columbia by politicians eager to stoke division.

She told The Independent it was the university’s decision to bring the NYPD onto campus that “inflamed” the situation and “shut down spaces of debate.”

“It’s not the students who have created the chaos,” said Professor Milanich. “It’s the leadership of the university that has participated in this ridiculous police raid and has thrown the faculty and students of the university under the bus.

“Are Jews on campus, or anyone else, safer because hundreds of police in riot gear with firearms were invited to come onto campus and haul our students off in zip ties?  I don’t feel safer,” she said.

Professor Milanich said the protesters at the encampment had written a code of conduct for inclusion and held training events on de-escalation to prevent extremists from outside causing trouble.

Protestors also have a clear set of demands, asking for the university to divest from companies that help fund Israel’s war in Gaza, which Columbia College students voted on in a referendum and passed with over 75 per cent of the vote.

“The story is fundamentally not one of ‘pro-Hamas mobs’ running rampant on campus,” said Professor Milanich. “The story is of an administration that’s thrown the values of the university to the wind.”


US campuses: It's Vietnam, it's South Africa, it's Palestine

American students have a long history of forcing change in their otherwise rigid and brainwashed "consumer" society. 

They first broke through the taboo of the Vietnam War and ultimately scored a victory when the US army was defeated and forced to withdraw in shame in 1975, with 55,000 US soldiers killed. 

Then American university students broke through the much bigger taboo of colonial apartheid white South Africa - which shares in many ways the American mythology of the white "civilizing" pioneer who invades and dominates (when it doesn't decimate) the indigenous colonized population. The students protested and ultimately scored a victory against their appalingly conservative government's insistence of keep propping up the supremacist white apartheid regime: The Boycott-Divest-Sanction movement forced the downfall of the apartheid regime and the liberation of Nelson Mandela.

Similarly, American college and university students have come to realize that there is something highly immoral in the US government's propping up the savage colonial apartheid Zionist regime in Israel which not only invaded and raped most of historic Palestine to establish a racist Jewish supremacist state, but continues in its slow simmering ethnic cleansing and genocide of what remains of indigenous Palestine. By the way, Apartheid South Africa and Zionist Israel were best Fascist friends and allies before the defeat of apartheid rule. All three - the US, South Africa and Israel - were born of the same womb of colonial white European violence against native indigenous populations in the Americas (US), in Africa (South Africa) and Asia (Israel).

Student protests have spread like wildfire across all US university campuses in support of a free Palestine, with the students demanding that their universities stop investing and supporting the abject and criminal regime in Tel Aviv. We can see the end of the dark and deadly tunnel: The conscience of millions of young educated Americans is in rebellion against what the foreign zionist settlers have done, and are doing, to the native indigenous Palestinian population. If history is any guide, this augurs a significant shift in the US blind and submissive policies vis-a-vis Israel, ushers the end of the occupation of Palestine, and the rise of a free Palestinian state.

What will the Columbia school administration do now that it has given the students until Friday to dismantle their protest tents from the campus? Send the national guard and the police? Remember how Kent State University students were massacred by the Ohio National Guard in 1970 for their anti-Vietnam war protests? Is this what criminal minds are plotting right now? To move in and kill a dozen students to deter others from speaking out against Zionist racism, supremacy, and colonialism, and for a free Palestine?

The tide has changed. The dark forces of evil have long insidiously betrayed the American faith in human liberty, and our many troubles, past and present, show us the way ahead and teach us to remain faithful to our principles. Every human being deserves full dignity and liberty. We refuse the attempts by Zionists and their ignorant primitive conservative American allies to relativize the condition of certain human populations: Palestinians are like everyone else. They are not "human animals" as the Zionists call them. They are the victims of the Zionist enterprise that continues to expel them from their lands, steal these lands, and establish a supremacist Jewish-only state.


Dozens arrested on California campus after students in Texas detained as Gaza war protests persist

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Police peacefully arrested student protesters at the University of Southern California on Wednesday, hours after police at a Texas university aggressively detained dozens in the latest clashes between law enforcement and those protesting the Israel-Hamas war on campuses nationwide.

While tensions rose between police and protesters at USC earlier in the day, in the evening a few dozen demonstrators standing in a circle with locked arms were detained one by one without incident.

Police officers encircled the dwindling group, which sat in defiance of an earlier warning to disperse or be arrested. Beyond the police line, hundreds of onlookers watched as helicopters buzzed overhead. The school closed the campus.

While universities struggling to defuse unrest have quickly turned to law enforcement, the arrests in California were in sharp contrast to the chaos that ensued just hours earlier at the University of Texas at Austin.

Hundreds of local and state police — including some on horseback and holding batons — pushed into protesters, at one point sending some tumbling into the street. Officers made 34 arrests at the behest of the university and Texas Gov. Gregg Abbott, according to the state Department of Public Safety.

A photographer covering the demonstration for Fox 7 Austin was in the push-and-pull when an officer yanked him backward to the ground, video shows. The station confirmed that the photographer was arrested. A longtime Texas journalist was knocked down in the mayhem and could be seen bleeding before police helped him to emergency medical staff.

Dane Urquhart, a third-year Texas student, called the police presence and arrests an “overreaction," adding that the protest “would have stayed peaceful” if the officers had not turned out in force.

“Because of all the arrests, I think a lot more (demonstrations) are going to happen,” Urquhart said.

Police left after hours of efforts to control the crowd, and about 300 demonstrators moved back in to sit on the grass and chant under the school's iconic clock tower.

In a statement Wednesday night, the university's president, Jay Hartzell, said: “Our rules matter, and they will be enforced. Our University will not be occupied."

North of USC, students at California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt, were barricaded inside a building for a third day, and the school shut down campus through the weekend and made classes virtual.

Harvard University in Massachusetts had sought to stay ahead of protests this week by limiting access to Harvard Yard and requiring permission for tents and tables. That didn't stop protesters from setting up a camp with 14 tents Wednesday following a rally against the university’s suspension of the Harvard Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee.

Students protesting the Israel-Hamas war are demanding schools cut financial ties to Israel and divest from companies enabling its monthslong conflict. Some Jewish students say the protests have veered into antisemitism and made them afraid to set foot on campus, partly prompting a heavier hand from universities.

At New York University this week, police said 133 protesters were taken into custody, while over 40 protesters were arrested Monday at an encampment at Yale University.

Columbia University averted another confrontation between students and police earlier Wednesday. University President Minouche Shafik had set on Tuesday a midnight deadline to reach an agreement on clearing an encampment, but the school extended negotiations, saying it would continue talks with protesters for another 48 hours.

On a visit to campus Wednesday, U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Republican, called on Shafik to resign “if she cannot bring order to this chaos.”

“If this is not contained quickly and if these threats and intimidation are not stopped, there is an appropriate time for the National Guard,” he said.

On Wednesday evening, a Columbia spokesperson said rumors that the university had threatened to bring in the National Guard were unfounded. “Our focus is to restore order, and if we can get there through dialogue, we will,” said Ben Chang, Columbia’s vice president for communications.


Harvard law student Tala Alfoqaha, who is Palestinian, said she and other protesters want more transparency from the university.

“My hope is that the Harvard administration listens to what its students have been asking for all year, which is divestment, disclosure and dropping any sort of charges against students," she said.

Police first tried to clear the encampment at Columbia last week, when they arrested more than 100 protesters. The move backfired, acting as an inspiration for other students across the country to set up similar encampments and motivating protesters at Columbia to regroup.

On Wednesday about 60 tents remained at the Columbia encampment, which appeared calm. Security remained tight around campus, with identification required and police setting up metal barricades.

Columbia said it had agreed with protest representatives that only students would remain at the encampment and they would make it welcoming, banning discriminatory or harassing language.

On the University of Minnesota campus, a few dozen students rallied a day after nine protesters were arrested when police took down an encampment in front of the library. U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, whose daughter was among the demonstrators arrested at Columbia last week, attended a protest later in the day.

A group of more than 80 professors and assistant professors signed a letter Wednesday calling on the university's president and other administrators to drop any charges and to allow future encampments without what they described as police retaliation.

They wrote that they were “horrified that the administration would permit such a clear violation of our students’ rights to freely speak out against genocide and ongoing occupation of Palestine.”

Perry reported from Meredith, New Hampshire. Contributing to this report were Associated Press journalists in various locations including Joey Cappelletti, Will Weissert, Larry Lage, Steve LeBlanc, Dave Collins, Jim Salter, Haven Daley, Jesse Bedayn, John Antczak, Julie Walker and Joseph Krauss.

Meanwhile, another ex-State Department official confirms how the Israeli military gets 'special treatment' on its record of abuses and violations of every law and norm of basic humanity. He recently helped oversee human-rights compliance by foreign militaries receiving American military assistance, and revelaed on Wednesday that he repeatedly observed Israel receiving “special treatment” from U.S. officials when it came to scrutiny of allegations of Israeli military abuses of Palestinian civilians.

Before stepping down in August, Charles O. Blaha was a director of a State Department security and human rights office closely involved in helping ensure that foreign militaries receiving American military aid follow U.S. and international humanitarian and human rights laws. He is the second senior State official involved in that relationship to assert that when it comes to Israel, the U.S. is reluctant to enforce laws required of foreign militaries receiving American aid. “In my experience, Israel gets special treatment that no other country gets,” Blaha said. “And there is undue deference, in many cases, given to Israeli officials’ side of things when the U.S. asks questions about allegations of Israeli wrongdoing against Palestinians, he added.

Blaha and other members of an unofficial, self-formed panel of former senior U.S. civilian and military officials released a report pointing to civilian deaths in specific airstrikes in Gaza. They said there was “compelling and credible” evidence that Israeli forces had acted illegally. Blaha's comments echoed those of another State Department official and panel member, Josh Paul. Paul resigned as a director overseeing arms transfers to other countries' militaries in October in protest of the U.S. rushing arms to Israel amid its war in Gaza.

Asked about the allegations from the two, a State Department spokesman, Vedant Patel, said “there is no double standard, and there is no special treatment.”

Israel historically is the United States' biggest recipient of military aid, and Biden on Wednesday signed legislation for an additional $26 billion in wartime assistance. But Biden has come under growing pressure over that support as Palestinian deaths mount. In coming days, the administration says it will announce its official findings from reviews it did into allegations of especially serious human rights abuses by specific Israeli military units. Those units would be barred from receiving U.S. military aid if the U.S. review confirms those allegations.

Wednesday's unofficial report points to 17 specific strikes on apartments, refugee camps, private homes, journalists and aid workers for which these former U.S. experts find no evidence of the kind of military target present to justify the high civilian death tolls.

They include an Oct. 31 airstrike on a Gaza apartment building that killed 106 civilians, including 54 children. Israeli officials offered no reason for the strike, and a Human Rights Watch probe found no evidence of a military target there, the officials said. Israel has said in many of the instances that it is investigating.

The double standard from which genocidal Israel has benefited for so long is evidence of a long-standing collusion by the United States with the criminal colonial state of Israel. How then does anyone with a brain believe that the US can be an honest broker in the Palestine conflict? The US is not an honest broker: It has been fooling the Arabs with promises that never materialized. For decades, it has scared the numskull Arab regimes, most of which are dictatorships and absolute monarchies, with the Iranian boogeyman in order to force them to comply and accept the growing Israeli cancer colony in their midst.


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein Would Boycott Columbia University

Like Robert Kraft, Roman Polanski and their ilk. Taking advantage and abusing weaker people are how they operate. Just like the Zionists did and continue to do in Palestine, which they raped before ethnically cleansing it.

Now at Columbia, and to confront and silence a new generation of decent Americans, many of them Jewish by the way, every jackass Zionist, rapist, financier, entertainment mogul and white collar criminal is pledging to cut off their support to American universities because some of their students are calling for justice and an end to the genocide of the indigenous Palestinian population by foreign terrorist settlers who happen to be Jewish. Like Asian-handjob veteran Robert Kraft. Like Richie Torres. Like so many others.

What this reveals is that the Zionist juggernaut over free speech and justice for colonized people has been lifted. For decades, Jewish Zionist multi-billionnaires gave money to universities on condition that the Israeli rape of Palestine never be openly and objectively discussed in what should be a free and open academic environment. As soon as some academics open their mouth or write an opinion against Israel, the Zionist hounds attack them, smear their reputations, and in many cases ruin their careers. You have Zionist dwarfs in England writing for the toilet paper The Telegraph who call a giant Palestinian intellectual, the late Columbia University professor Edward Said, and celebrated author of the breakthrough anti-colonial masterpiece, "Orientalism", a "charlatan".

Here is another example of the witch hunt mounted by flithy Zionists who are unwilling to admit their crimes, apologize to the Palestinians for stealing their lands and expelling them out of their historic homes into refugee camps. Supermodels Gigi and Bella Hadid whose father Mohamed, a Palestinian-born American real estate developer, have been persecuted ever since October 7 for expressing their support for the cause of a free Palestine. Mr. Hadid has called a Puerto Rican member of the US House of Representatives, one Ritchie Torres, a "slave to whites", a sort of Uncle Tom whose ancestor slaves were mistreated by white supremacists in a manner similar to how Jewish supremacist Israel is treating its colonized slaves, the Palestinians. Mr Hadid said about Mr Torres that he is "a shill being used by Israel".

Bella Hadid for her part dared to confront the criminal ultra-religious barbarian Israeli minister Itamar Ben-Gvir. In an interview arguing for increased security measures in the West Bank, Mr Ben-Gvir had suggested that the right of his family, made up of foreign Jewish settlers of Palestine, “to travel on the roads” (of illegally-ocupied Palestine) was “more important than the right to movement for Palestinians”. 

This is from a barbarian Iraqi illegal migrant to Palestine. Ben-Gvir was born to an Iraqi Jewish family. His mother was a member of the Jewish terrorist organization, the Irgun Zvai Leumi, that committed atrocities, rapes and massacres against Palestinian villagers during the barbaric ethnic cleansing of Palestine that led to the creation of Israel. Ms Hadid, 27, replied to his racist comment on Instagram, where she has close to 60 million followers, as follows: “In no place, no time, especially in 2023 should one life be more valuable than another’s,” she wrote. “Especially simply because of their ethnicity, culture or pure hatred.” But the paradigm has been for a very long time that Jewish lives are sacred while Goyim lives, especially the Palestinian victims of Zionist savagery, are disposable "human animals".

Academic life in the US is inching closer to that in the Soviet Gulag: You either subscribe without dissent to the official line or else. To all the Jewish and Zionist wealthy buyers of academic consciences: Good riddance. If I were running these universities, I'd tell these criminal blackmailers to fuck off. Most Ivy League students are wealthy and can pay their tuition without help. All the money given by these rabid racists to the universities does not help the students; it goes to buying up the consciences of researchers and professors and to twisting the truth. It goes to erect useless buildings that bear the names of these donors, or to fund moronic programs whose sole objective is to drill the victim status of one community and inflict guilt upon all the other communities. At best, it goes to enlarge the school's endowment and investments in criminal colonial enterprises in apartheid Israel. A gigantic waste of dirty money. 

Robert Kraft, the Jewish billionaire owner of the Patriots and a Columbia alumnus, announced he would be pulling all donations to the school "until corrective action is taken." What he meant by "corrective action" is unclear. But Kraft said he'd continue to support the school's Kraft Center for Jewish Student Life (a request for an Asian-massage handjob annex was fortunately turned down), an example of money squandered on useless self-serving programs. Does Columbia really need this money that does not serve the broader academic enterprise or the larger student population? Can't Kraft open his center outside the university? Isn't giving money to the university to serve one community at the expense of all other student communities a violation of equal opportunity for all students and a lever with which to blackmail the university into complying with Kraft's political and religious preferences?

On the other hand, wealthy people from the anti-colonial, anti-Zionist-bullying Global South (Arabs, Africans, Asians, etc.) should step forward to help these universities compensate whatever loss they may suffer as a result of the Zionist blackmailers' withdrawal of their funding. If one can buy academic consciences and minds with money, then the hell with these universities that violate their basic charters of academic freedom and objective reasoning. If this is what the flower of American education has been reduced to - a paid producer of Zionist propaganda within pre-defined narrrow norms of free speech and free conscience to satisfy a racist and misguided view of the world, and whose sole object is to raise intellectually compliant generations of Americans, then now is the time to undo this deplorable and heinous scheme.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

US Campuses: Do for Palestine What you Did for South Africa

Confronting the usual lame accusations of antisemitism, US students across the country have initiated a BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement to bring a definitive end to the international collusion with Israel's ethnic cleansing of Palestine, just like they did in the mid-1990s with Apartheid South Africa and contibuted to the liberation of Nelson Mandela and the end of the segregation regime there. 

The protesters include large numbers of Jewish students. So all the flithy accusations of antisemitism, leveled by the White House and other poodles of the Zionist lobby, are no more than a dog whistle to terrorize people into silence and sumbission to the Big Zionist Brother.

Despite more arrests Monday night at NYU, other leading US university campuses like Columbia, MIT, Yale and others are determined to break the omerta over Israel's genocide in Palestine.

April 23, 2024

New York, US - April 22: Police intervene and protests at New York University (NYU) who continue their demonstration on campus in solidarity with the students at Columbia University and to oppose Israel's attacks on Gaza. Pro-Palestinian protesters have launched a wave of protests on campsuy condemning Israel's offensive on the Gaza Strip, which has displaced over 765% of the coastal enclave's estimated 2.3 million people, and resulted in over 34,000 deaths, 75% of whom are women and children.

Campus tensions over the Israel-Hamas war continued to escalate Monday night. A number of pro-Palestinian demonstrators were arrested outside a New York University building, and Columbia University moved its main campus to a hybrid schedule for the rest of the semester in response to turmoil that has led to more than 100 arrests.

The tumult followed dozens of arrests at Yale University earlier Monday, while protest encampments sprung up at a number of other universities. Here’s a closer look at what's happening, and why:

Columbia University

Things hit a boiling point at Columbia last Thursday, when over 100 people, including the daughter of US Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, were arrested at a pro-Palestinian encampment on campus. Columbia President Minouche Shafik had asked the NYPD to help clear the crowd, which had begun amassing the day prior.

Arrests continued over the weekend, prompting Shafik to move to virtual classes Monday over heightened safety concerns. Shafik said in a statement the decision to hold classes virtually was made to “deescalate the rancor and give us all a chance to consider next steps.”

The university took things a step further Monday night, announcing a hybrid schedule for the remainder of the school semester at its Morningside main campus in Manhattan.

"Safety is our highest priority as we strive to support our students’ learning and all the required academic operations," the statement from Provost Angela V. Olinto and Chief Operating Officer Cas Holloway said. The protesters haven’t been deterred, however, as Monday marked the sixth day of demonstrations.

What’s the reaction been?

New York City Mayor Eric Adams, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul and the White House have all expressed concern for the safety of students and spoken out against all forms of racism. The hypocrite dog-on-a-Zionist-leash US President Biden, however, was "magnanimous" enough to tell reporters Monday, "I also condemn those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians", as he sent 26 billion dollars to Israel to keep bombing, raping, displacing and killing Palestinian civvilians.

New England Patriots owner and Columbia graduate, the Orthodox Jew Robert Kraft said in a statement Monday he was "not comfortable supporting the university until corrective action is taken". On the other hand, he was comfortable enough a few years ago to commit adultery by getting a hand job at an Asian massage parlor in Florida [Read all about it in:] 

How did it get here

Protests at many universities and colleges across the U.S. have remained a flashpoint since Oct. 7, when the Palestinian militant group Hamas attacked Israel and killed about 1,200 people and kidnapped roughly 250 hostages. Israel subsequently launched a war against Hamas in Gaza that has killed more than 34,000 Palestinian civilians — about two-thirds of them women and children — according to the Hamas-run Health Ministry.

The pro-Palestinian demonstration encampments on Columbia’s main quad started last Wednesday just before Shafik testified before a congressional committee investigating antisemitism on campus. The same panel last year grilled two of Shafik’s counterparts at Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania, who resigned amid backlash for their responses.

The “Gaza Solidarity Encampment” was set up by a coalition of student organizations that have criticized Columbia’s response to the Israel-Hamas war. They have demanded that the school divest “all economic and academic stakes in Israel,” according to the group’s website.

What’s happening at other universities

As pro-Palestinian demonstrations at Columbia entered their sixth day Monday, a wave of solidarity protests at other colleges and universities have sparked up across the country:

Yale University, New Haven, Conn.: Dozens of pro-Palestinian demonstrators staging an encampment on campus since Friday night were arrested Monday morning on trespassing charges. Yale Police Chief Anthony Campbell said they were warned Sunday night and again early Monday before the arrests took place. The protesters are demanding that the university “divest from military weapons manufacturers,” according to the Yale Daily News.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.: Pro-Palestinian student demonstrators set up the “Scientists Against Genocide Encampment” on MIT’s Kresge Lawn on Sunday night. They want the school to cut its research ties with the Israeli military.

Emerson College, Boston: Pro-Palestinian demonstrators from a nonaffiliated student organization want the college to support “Palestinian liberation” and have set up tents in an alley off Boylston Street. Emerson College president Jay Bernhardt said the area is “not solely owned” by the college and is under Boston Police jurisdiction.

Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.: The school has restricted access to Harvard Yard until Friday afternoon, hoping to avoid any pro-Palestinian demonstrators or camps. An email sent to students and faculty who work in the Yard explained that the closures are “out of an abundance of caution and with the safety of our community as a priority,” according to the Harvard Crimson.

University of Southern California, Los Angeles: Hundreds of protesters gathered on campus Sunday in support of the school’s Class of 2024 valedictorian, Asna Tabassum. Officials had told Tabassum earlier this month that she was barred from speaking at this year’s graduation ceremony, citing safety concerns due to her pro-Palestinian social media posts.